Reply To: I want my daughter back


when I read your post I thought you were talking about my daughter shes a replica although only 22 and has 2 children by different fathers – she s had 3 tall to different dads but our first grandson was born sleeping and I have the next 2 on a residency order. I too used to have a fantastic relationship with her, but nowshe just feeds me a pack of lies, her third child is mixed race to her 60 yr old drug dealer. every day I wake crying convinced that this will be the day someone tells me shes dead, I loveher so much in her latest disastourous relationship she is now a crack addict and alcoholic, social services have taken her children, she s been banned from driving for been drunkand lives in a complete dump I am at my wits end, I just wanther back too, and the best quote I have ever heard is yous – she talks such a good game but never walks the walk I have never heard a truer word x