Reply To: My son


It’s not just you! It does help a little to know that you are not the only one going through this but what can we do? At least, at the moment, my son is living in his own place but probably not for much longer. He’s so close to losing it all and it makes me so angry when he says ” Maybe I need to hit rock bottom before I can start going up” because he could stop now BEFORE hitting the bottom and still have the basics there to build on for a good life! I just know that I could NEVER have him home to live with me and today I finally told him to go away and not come back…although he will as he won’t believe I meant it! Well done for being brave enough to give the numbers to the police….I hope they took action! Good luck…..maybe both your son and mine will decide it’s time to change their lives and then we can have our lives back too!