Dear mums, it is so tough. I have come to realise that my son is also a manipulative emotional bully. I had to do something when the ripple effects of his behaviour were causing harm and distress to everyone in the family. Addiction is a terrible illness but with it is choice. I see my actions as fighting the addiction not my son. I will no longer let my home be used as a cess pit, I no longer have to take my handbag everywhere with me while I am indoors, I no longer walk the streets at night waiting for my husband to come home as I did when my son lived there as I was too frightened to be in the home with him on my own and the list goes on. This does not stop me worrying about him every single second of the day. I dream about him all the time and he is the first thing I think of when I open my eyes in the morning. I want to find the magic wand that will fix it for him and others suffering the same way. I have come to realise that magic wand is within his grasp – not mine. Every day of life is precious – I hope we all find the strength to carry on. xxx