Reply To: Brother an Addict!!!!!


Hi, since I found this site on Christmas Eve when I was at a very low point, I have continued to visit it, and although sad that there are many people that are living a similar nightmare, it has given me some comfort to share my feelings, it’s good to find others that understand the roller coaster of emotions that you go through, I would not begin to tell you what you should do but some advice that I have found helpful is you need to go with your gut instincts and try not to let your heart rule (not easy though, I know) you have 2 young children that look to you to teach them right and wrong, there are not enough bad words to describe how I feel about drugs, addicts are very devious they will lie n cheat and do anything for their fix, my son is an addict and at the moment has relapsed he knows that I love him but cannot for my own sanity be part of the life he is choosing at the moment. Although no one can change what is happening, by posting on here you will realise you are not alone, keep strong

Sue xx