Reply To: Brother an Addict!!!!!


Honestly Emma I’m not sure how I’ve got through some of the really bad times, it’s a no win situation, when he’s around I’m constantly on edge always checking what he’s up to, but then a few years ago he just disappeared and nobody knew where he was, that’s when I kept having nightmares, what if was laying in a ditch somewhere, every time the phone rang I was scared it would be bad news, they were really bad times, I ended up in hospital it made me so ill, I don’t know to this day where he was cos he refuses to tell us, I would love to tell you it gets easier but for me this time is the worse of all, I feel he has totally lost me now, how will I ever trust him again, he has let himself and me down big time and at the moment I can’t see it ever ending, sorry I’m really struggling at the moment, have you watched the video at the top of the site? I don’t know if I could sit there n tell my story, it’s easier to write it down for me and I do feel a bit better for sharing my thoughts on here, it’s took me over 17 years to put myself first I don’t know if I will be able to keep it up but I’m going to try, I’ve been rambling again but it helps, take care Emma and remember keep strong

Sue xxx