Worn out mum . . . . Thanks and sorry for your pain. Iv’e now been a few years down this road with my son . Many arguments but our personal relationship has improved somewhat . From hating me he will now give me a hug and tell me he loves me . It doesn’t change his circumstances sadly . When we row i do my best not to call him and let him contact me . Easy to say and very hard to do but i think to chase him gives him more power knowing how desperate i am for his safety . My boy is very manipulative. After years of him stealing from us i no longer allow him to move freely around our house . He hasn’t now stolen for a year but he’s dealing so has no need . I am trying to toughen up and convince myself that he must follow his own path and that paying his debts etc is only allowing him to carry on doing what he does . Really no one knows how much of my time is spent worrying & feeling guilt and sadness for my lad but i now honestly don’t think there is anything i can do to change him . I must try to stay strong and not let his choices affect my health . Oh so wise words eh !!! Maybe we can only hope that sometime soon they will want to change their lives in a good way . I so want to feel the truth of it not being my fault and my head knows this logically but sadly my head and my heart are not in tandem .