Reply To: How do we ever cope


Hi, I am so sorry for your situation, but totally empathise with it, my brother has ADHD and was addicted to heroine for about 2yrs, as well as other drugs and alcohol. He eventually managed to kick the heroine after a long visit in hospital due to pneumonia, then he was prescribed methadone, which I know can be harder to kick than the heroine in some cases, however, he did do it. He went an organisation called c.a.t.c.h and adaction, with lots of relapses in between! My mum obviously was destroyed as well as me, but I persuaded her to go to a family support unit who advices her how to help her cope and explained a lot about the effects of drugs/ treatment etc. they’re are support networks for families of addicts, your local gp could advise you of your nearest one, or you may have done this already, I really hope you get the support you deserve and it’s does help to vent to someone and realise you are not alone in your situation. My brother is still drinking heavily and is a continuos struggle with him for the whole family but I cope by not letting it define me, just caring as much as I can and be there to listen and love him, sometimes that’s all you can do when there on a path of self destruction. Wish you lots of luck, hang in there, xx