Reply To: whats next !!


me too Fiona, i really feel like im at the end of the road now, I dont have any more to give, but fear the worst is going to happen, if the drugs dont kill him the blood clot could break at any time he refuses to go back in hospital and is not even taking the medication to thin his blood, its like being in a nightmare and I cant wake up. By what you have said it seems your son needs professional help if he is serious about getting clean, we have done the cold turkey a few times in the past with absolutely no success, Why do they do this to us not just once but over and over again, all I can do (and im sure you are the same) is take each day at a time hour by hour , and pray that the miracle will happen, sending you a big hug and I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to reply to me its like a lifeline at the moment, take care Fiona and try to keep strong
love & hugs Sue xxx