Reply To: accepting my son has a problem


Hello ‘sad and tired’ My son is exactly the same, sounds as tho he is a clone of your son!! The ‘drug’ problem with my son has been going on since he was 15 years of age, he is now 30, so its been a long long time. The problem of course has been my son but I see now one other problem has been me…Mum!! I constantly gave in through the years foolishly thinking it would be the answer but of course that was NOT the answer. I paid his bills, bought food and clothed him and paid any debts. It doesnt work!! He is my son but he’s now like a blood sucking leech and if I sat down and tried to count just how much I have given him in the past 10 years I dread to think what it would amount to……thousands I think!! And Im not well off. I should have turned away from him years n years ago. Lots of folk have said to me “HE has to reach rock bottom first before recovery can take place” and I never allowed him to reach that rock bottom so he’s always been protected. If you can be strong, let your son reach that rock bottom and dont you be there with the great big strong safety net. Its amazing just how they finally find strength and somehow manage to survive!! I’ve taken the ‘safety net’ i.e. my cash, away from my son, did it recently and guess what…… appears to be working!! He is suddenly becoming ‘slightly more’ responsible AND asking how I am today! Take care, is a long journey but hopefully you’ll get there xxxxx