Reply To: please help


Hey Lily …hope your days have been better….My son has actually seen a solicitor this week regarding his child….He will no doubt be going to prison in the next few weeks for breach of tag, and I wonder if this could be the kick he needs..He doesnt drink or do his “recreational” (dont laugh, his explanation not mine) drugs daily, only weekends or when he cant cope……Ive told him I wont be visiting him. because I didnt give birth to him to visit him in a prison…..make no bones about it though, the fact he does it regularly makes him an addict… I havent seen my grand child for over a month now, because his mother is a complete psycho…its heart breaking, but do yuo know what..the more I talk about the situation and realise its his choice the better I cope….Lily stay strong hunni, because that little one needs you……..confrontations only happen because they know what we say is right…we are confirming they have a problem…..ive learned to try and keep it calm, and choose my moments…..hard and at times I want to scream at him…..the pressure you are putting yourself and husband under must be immense…feel for you both….here luv if you need me x