Reply To: HELP


you can get drug tests online and yes they do work….this sounds like my son….he wasnt doing mcat but was doing weed at your sons age ….I like many parents thought at least its not “real drugs”, we can sort it out…wow how wrong was I…. My son is 23 now and for the last 4 years he has done cocaine, crack cocaine, weed, m cat, you name it…he has lied, stolen and caused havoc within our family…..every job he has had he has lost …..he has no motivation to stop, and unfortunately he is at the age where we cant ground him, but you have a chance!!! Get yourself and son to a local group in your area….make him go, they have counsellors who will talk with him, and as a parent you can get help too….I personally wouldnt give him an inch….I would make it really hard for him…We were blind to it all, as neither me or his dad had ever had dealings with drugs or what to look for…we even sold and moved house but too little too late for us!!!! Im sure he is a great kid, and you know your son better than anyone….good luck….