Evening caz, wow you have lived with this for many years , and managed to bring up 2kids aswell….can I ask, have you had enough now? If the answer is yes then only you know what to do…..when you love someone you don’t emotionally blackmail them, but then I’m sure you know addicts blame everyone and everything but themselves…I’m not sure I could still be there, especially now your kids have grown…..living with an addict is hard work, it’s whether you want to continue with it….personally, I would let him get on with it, and leave, but then I know that’s not always possible….hope you come to the right decision for you…your son it seems has already Sussed him out, hense the lack of respect…and you can’t blame him really, cause I’m guessing he missed many parts of his childhood…. Thank god they have you……take care of you now! Here if you need to talk x