
no you have no choice, I have struggled on with my son for what seems like a long long time. I have paid his debts and got him straight numerous times, thinking he will get himself together and he hasn’t. He now faces the prospect of no money to get to work and his car insurance terminated, his car will be repossessed before much longer and I can see he will lose his job. For the first time I am letting it happen, and I feel really bad but I cant do anymore, he was paid last Friday went out Friday night and Saturday night and spent the lot. How am I meant to keep up with that. If he doesn’t sort himself out I will end up kicking him out. Like you son he says everything is my fault, whatever it is. Well, sorry no its not, its his choices that have brought him to this. I hope he is not touching heroin, I know certainly coke and other stuff. How would you know if it is heroin. Don’t know why I ask it is just something that feels like it would be the worst thing he could be doing, and it worries me…….