
he has already sold every thing he can, he has stolen from me. He has nothing except the car which is on finance. When I looked after his card for him, he waited till I had sorted everything out and then started to demand his card, he can get very verbally aggressive and yes he has begged for £50 to pay a debt…..I am worried that he has taken heroin. I have never found needles but I did find a stained teasoon and small fork with the top cup bit stained, I confronted him but he said I am paranoid it was food stain. Didn’t look like that to me. So we go on one bit of chaos to the next. I have found I am getting harder, I know its what I have to do, I keep hoping I am wrong about what he is doing but I cant see where all this money would be going otherwise. Sadly he may have to be on his knees before he wants to start coming back up.