Susie my love, its this that is wearing me down you get a glimmer of hope and try to cling on to it then in a blink of an eye its gone, will they ever stop being selfish? somehow it doesnt seem so, my lad is in hospital yet again, after having a lovely weekend lots of cuddles with my 6 wk old granddaughter, got a call from a sister at the hospital saying he had been rushed in again seems he took a ‘bad’ dose of heroin, after weeks of no contact he expected us to go rushing to his side, well not this time, im just furious, if he choses to inject that s**t ( excuse the language) he has got to face the consequences i will not be a part of his drug riddled life any more, think I shocked the nurse a bit although im sure she has seen and heard it all before.
At this moment of time im so angry, and sad and tired I have on many occasions thought what life would have been like if he hadnt been born, all the good times we shared through his childhood have been wiped out by the suffering he has caused.
Well ladies we must must keep strong and accept that if they dont want to change we cant do it for them, but dont let them drag us down, its so good to have you all in my life although we dont know each other we understand the emotional rollercoster that all our lives are, take care lovely ladies I feel so much stronger tonight and you all must take some of the credit, I hope you all have a peaceful night and tomorrow is another day 😉 night night to you all you are all included in my prayers
love and hugs Sue Xxxxx