Reply To: my misery


My sons choice of drugs is mcat,cocaine, weed, alcohol….we live in a nightmare….he hadnt taken anything for 7 days then BAM, he was that out of it over the weekend he was seen with no trousers on, came home begging for money, gave us verbal abuse when we told him to leave…….we cant save him, and yes in times of clarity he too hates what he does…unfortunately that isnt enough…From one mother to another, you need to concentrate on your kids…having social services involved , my guess is that if he were to come home, your kids would be put on the at risk register…Can I ask, has he been argumentative with you in front of the children, because if the answer is yes then they class this as domestic violence….another reason why they will be in your life, IF when he comes out of prison , you let him back in the home…..I think the kids will be counting on one parent whois looking out for their well being, and that parent is you hunni….think about it..x here for you xx