What a hellish time your having….I just cant imagine the pressure you and your partner are going through….Im afraid I would wait till they were both out, get the door locks changed and then when they kicked off phone the police…you cant live like that..scared in your own home, having them treat you the way they do…In a moment of clarity, when all is calm perhaps tell them how they make you feel, but from your post I fear this wouldn’t make much difference…whilst they are under your roof, not taking any responsibility you will continue to enable them…..you dont have to be part of that life….my son was as abusive as how you describe….I told him if he wanted to live with us then he had to abide by our rules..last saturday we asked him to leave because he was on one of his mad missions…mcatted up and reeking of alcohol…I wonder if you perhaps dad could talk to them????? Hunni, you dont have to put up with it and shouldnt…..feel so very sad for you….sending hugs and all the support you need..here if you need…xxxxx