April 23, 2014 at 12:09 am
hello Fiona, ive been just the same, visited many times but have nothing positive to say right now, not seen or heard from my lad for nearly 2 weeks, my life is like groundhog day same old excuses and promises, feel like im treading water and just about managing to keep going but its so hard as im sure it is for you, ive read new posts but dont feel I can offer any useful advice at the moment, I cant see a happy ending to my nightmare, not felt this down for a while, im back seeing my counsellor to try to make some sort of sense of it all so heres hoping I can get my mojo back, I seem to have misplaced it 🙁
I hope and pray that you are as ok as you can be at the moment, take care hunny
love and great big cyber hugs
Sue Xxxx