Reply To: Thinking of you all xx


Hi Ladies…..Words sometimes are never enough. It has been 2 weeks since my son touched mcat…..yes he had a drink, but is really trying…..He took his son and stepson out saturday, and invited my little one and her cousins to join them…I was apprehensive, but my partner said we needed to show him we trusted him…They had a fantastic time, spent all afternoon in a local park with lots of ammenaties…..then took then all back to his exes and cooked them tea…..When I picked them up they were full of it….He took me to one side and said when hes done his sentence (he has a week to go till he get sentenced back in court) him and his ex will see about moving out of the area,cause he nows if he stays the temptation will be there, the same so called mates will be there…..Now Im not shouting from the rafters but I hope this will be his new beginning…Come on ladies, you are both strong women….dont give up, and dont give in…..Both of you have given me the strength to be strong and stick to my guns…….and both of you are great mothers…dont ever forget that…sending cyber hugs to you both xxxxx