Thank you. I’m discovering more & more how much he lies…. I don’t know if I can do this anymore with him. It feels like his mums just turned her back on him while I’m left living this nightmare of questioning everything he does, checking every bit of money. We argue a lot & some of the arguments get quite nasty. Some days I just want out…. But I feel trapped. I don’t feel there’s anywhere me & the kids can go and he will never leave… He said he’ll go back to the meetings but it’s always half hearted & he seems to find ways out of not going. Does it ever stop the questioning and self doubt of what there up to? He makes me feel like I’m dramatising everything & I’m over exaggerating about it all. He played so many mind games when he was using, he made me feel like everything was my fault. Like I was the reason he was in a foul mood, or I was lieing to him about whatever…. I want the kids to have their dad around but not if he goes back using. But so much has happened between us, some days I just hate him so much & he makes out he hates me. I hate the kids witnessing this kind of relationship. I know I need to be strong & I appreciate your replys. I just struggle some days wondering if I’m strong enough to deal with this. Xx