Reply To: How is everyone????????????


Hi Sue…it took me a few years to smell the coffee as it were….its hard and giving in is all part and parcel of that road hunni….I sill feel mean now, but there is far more quiet in our lives…..Saw my son yesterday, nearly 2 weeks for him without mcat in his system…..before that he did a week and had a hit, then got back on the horse……I dont say anything about the drugs, but I hugged him yesterday ad told him I was praying for him, and that he deserved to be happy……he kissed me on the cheek, and said I will get there mum…….Hes back in court Wednesay then hes looking at 3 months……Sue your not locking the door on the him, just not being part of his life while he does drugs…..I know how hard and you have tried, god, you have tried everything…now its up to him…sending hugs xxxxx