Thanks for your comments i feel i am gettin my feelings out abit by doin this blog. I have to accept that it will be hard it will be hard to have a life without him bcoz ive only really got him and my children but like u have said a life seeing him in addiction offers nothing and we will continue in circles and after years of supporting him loving him and not giving up i no i want more out of life. Its hard when that person is ur best friend..we have had many ‘clean times’ together n therefore many many good times..this is obviously why i have stuck by him but we just have to get to a point where we put ourselves first when we realise that we can only change ourselves and that life is short and i dont want my life to b tortured by his addiction. Its hard and it can b draining just staying away staying strong and knowing that u want somebody so much to b in ur life but knowing that u have to do wot is right not wot is easy. I pray he will b truly happy one day x