Reply To: Smoking cannibis and taking tablets and alcholol


Hey Basher, you have so much to think about right now, so where to start….I do know that young teens with attachment disorder have so many things going on…Trust issues, feeling worthless, finding it hard to get close to anyone…that may be your starting point… It does sound like he may be dabbling with some form of drug..could this be to try and fit in???Especially as you say its only when he goes to his friends house…… As he is 15 you are still responsible for him, so I would try and talk with him calmly. THEN get tough. No money, no going round this certain persons house……dont give up on fighting for him, he is so obviously worth it…..please please please stay strong for him and keep instilling that you believe in him and he is worth so much more . Hugs xx