Reply To: Alcoholism and the international business traveller


Evening hun, I have read your story with tears in my eyes….Many of the young adults who are our children are drinking excessively…along with their choice of drug is seems to go hand in hand….Personally, I have never drunk, never taken drugs, worked hard, tried to show my son right from wrong,..My shy little boy turned into a vulgar lying thief..all his dreams gone , replaced with where he was going to get his next tenner from …..heartbreaking doesnt even come close…he has torn our family apart…no one can trust him, we hide our valuables and NEVER leave him on his own…..The one thing I have learned is that no matter what we do, ultimately it has to be THEIR choice….no matter what we say, it falls on deaf ears….and contrary to the stereo typical public view..alot of these young men and women have loving homes, with parents who would die for them… thats the real sad part!!! They simply chose the wrong road…..