Reply To: Destruction


Hey John Doe, As a parent, I have been in the same shoes as your parents..Its hard for us to see our kids mess up time and time again. Addiction doesnt just touch the addicted it touches everyone else too……You deserve to lead a clean fullfilled life, you deserves to make those dreams you have come true, and you deserve to be CLEAN…Only you can do that, once your clean the rest will fall in to place with alot of hard work……It all depends on how much you want it!!!!!! Hunni the first step is recognise your problem……Perhaps write mom and dad a letter..They are obviously hurting, but one thing I do know is they love you very much and only want the best for you…..take care hunni, your road will be long one, but I know with time you will get there…have strength and belief in yourself, and seek the help you need xxx