Reply To: My beautiful boy


Max, it all sounds so familiar. I keep asking myself if I had been a harder mum would he be different, if I didn’t care about him would be not be abusive. The answer I will never know, he now says he hates me and will never have any more to do with me. So far I am keeping to what I say, but I am sad, its not how I believe a mum should be, we do everything we can for our children, so to say no doesn’t seem right. I really pray that it will make a difference and I was going to say wont ruin his life but he has already made a good start at ruining his life.
He wont be able to get a bus or walk as the job is way out of town, but that’s not my problem, he knew when he walked out of his last job that his debts were continuing to go up. Good old mum will stump up again he thought but I cant keep doing it and why should I. It means nothing to him. You are right no one paid my way at his age, I worked hard and brought my own things, if I didn’t have the money no one handed it to me……
I hope in a while I can post something similar to both of you to say my son is turning things around, I really really hope so. xxx