Reply To: My beautiful boy


Do you know , I have raised 3 children . I have two older daughters who are lovely well balanced young women . They weren’t angels but they were ‘normal’ anxieties as they hit teenage years . I grew up in care . Not a good place believe me !! So for me , like you, I believed there was nothing I wouldn’t do for my kids . My children are well loved and have wanted for nothing , they’ve had a privileged upbringing . My son at 20 is not a reflection of my mothering skills . Sadly he is a reflection of the society we live in . Denied nothing , no repercussions for bad behaviour and a culture of ‘I want and I want it now’ . It’s my right etc . Well for our boys sad & tired its time for them to wake up and face reality . The world owes them nothing . We are not their life time meal ticket . My son now knows that I will be there to help him when he shows me that he is making positive healthy choices for his life . Respect will come when your boy accepts that you mean what you say and stick to it . Funnily enough once you start saying no it does get easier to keep saying it . X