Reply To: My beautiful boy


It’s okay . He’s not going to accept being drug dependent , he’s not THAT stupid he will tell you …… he can stop taking them any time ………. You just don’t understand …….. That’s another one lol !!! And maybe he’s not addicted and maybe he can stop whenever he wants to , but either way today he is using . My son stole repeatedly from us , even using my debit card without my knowledge . He broke into my house while I was away visiting my terminally ill father etc etc etc . We take a lot us mothers before we see that our overflowing love is not always good for our children when addictions are involved . It’s okay to love him and equally okay to not like him and to hate the way he behaves . They want all the supposed fun of adulthood but still want mum to look after them and pick up the tab . They can abuse us all day long but cannot understand when we say “no more” . There is no logic to them . Step back and try not to fuel the fire . Each time you respond to his abuse you extend the conversation for him to give you more of the same . Try hanging up the phone every time the conversation turns nasty , don’t try to reason with him because you won’t win . Let him see that you will only enter into a conversation when it is non abusive and do that every single time . That is the only kind of message he will understand as he is today . He is trying to guilt trip you to get his own way . Try really hard not to reward his behaviour . I can only advise as I have lived the same situation , your head knows what you need to do , your heart just needs to catch up x