Reply To: feel so alone tonight ….


Hi Sue….never a truer word said hunny….Its so hard for all us loved ones, watching them makes such desperate decisions, that not only impact on their lives but ours too…I really hope you hear something soon…My son gets out next Friday…and I have written the most truthful letter ever..warts and all…I thought he would be mad,not ring, but ive just got off the phone from him, and he says everything I put was true…He isnt angry with me, just sad that he put us all through the misery..Im not sure what will happen once he is back to the real world, but at the moment he is still positive and says he will continue with the counselling, and go back to see if he can get antibuse….Im praying for all our children…there has to be a light at the end of our tunnel some time soon…..hugs to you Sue, and all the other parents who live this hell xxxx