Reply To: PLEASE HELP. All time low….


Hi… I understand you completely….You haven t said how old your son is but I have been through this with mine….Not injecting..or as far as i know…Mcat and cannabis my son has been in and out of Y.O.I…breached tag no end of times and appointments with yot and probation…I too threw him out and things got worse but I had to for a younger siblings sake….Only this year he was completely homeless spent three nights on street asked for me to pay for b and b it was like living hell…I cried, worried felt like a terrible mum but deep down i knew he had to hit an all time low without me picking up the pieces….Thankfully at the moment it appears to have worked …I am not saying indefinately and I am not for one minute saying it works for every one,,,but do think you have to take the tough approach….I hope this brings you a little confidence in what your doing…take each day as it comes and stay strong…Best wishes xx