I really feel for you but I am sorry to say the drug will win. I know I have tried every thing for my son he started at 16 smoking canabis then went on to heroin he also will abuse prescription drugs valium sleeping tablets codiene anything he can get . He know how much I love him and how much it hurts but he just keeps going on this self destruct road. He has been on a methedone programme for 10 years . he lives like a tramp in his flat although in his lucid moments he rings to beg food and ask about us all I am too embarassed for him to come to the house and when he does venture up I am embarassed for anyone to see him as he looks the classic junkie ie weighs about 6 stone unkempt clothes, no teeth etc and he was such a lovely looking boy. Its terrible for me to watch. Not only that he has hepatis C and will not keep to any appointment at the hospital. I feel like giving in I am tired of it all but I know deep down it will not stop . Unfortunately the drug will stop him. Sorry this is how I feel xx take care and live your life and let your little boy live his in peace.