Hey hun……its hard isnt it…..There is a real pattern to him using, and there is a real pattern to you bailing him out all the time…..You are enabling him and whilst you continue to do so, you are part of his addiction……I dont mean to sound harsh, but from what you have said, he isnt ready to quit just yet…..We have all been down this road, and the next hardest part is to stop handing out money….cause it will never end……Ive heard it all..he is going to kill himself, someone is after him cause he owes them money….sadly im imune to it all now and dont give him ANYTHING…..He cant come home cause I dont want his addiction in the house..ive had over 4 years of it and like you been at my wits end..at times wanting to walk away and leave myself…What you need is support..its his addiction not yours…… The excuses will continue to fly if you let them…get tough and stop enabling him…and find a local support group for YOU….. We love our kids, and the worst thing is seeing them take this rubbish…….massive hugs to you xxxxx