Blue … you obviously love your family very much and feel very hurt by the way things are at the moment. to me it sounds like your brother is aggressive to you because your the person who stands up to him and tells him about his drinking and he doesn’t like to hear it . My heart goes out to you it really does. unless someone has lived with an addict of any kind no one knows the stress and worry the sleepness nights the crying the pleading its easy for people to say throw him out disown him its not so easy in real life. My son is addicted to skunk and he still lives at home he is in denial and refuses any help , so believe me i know what the stress is like and its bloody hard to get up everyday and carry on. Sweetheart its time for you to try to look after yourself and put YOU first for once . I have tried hard to take my life back and with little baby steps i have managed. When i look back to christmas and compare my life now its a million times better its not perfect but its good. I smile i laugh i do things for me .and every day i try to find something positive.
I’m sorry im not more help to you i really have no answers .
Thinking of you and sending you a big hug xx