
hi guys-well alot has happened since my last blog-my partner got alot worse after i kicked him out in sept-i had him back a few times after that but it finally came to a head a few months ago wen he started injecting! 🙁 am absolutely devestated-jus wen i think things cant get any worse-they always bloody do! he hasnt been living here for a long while, and has got a place in rehab-at phoenix futures in hampsjire-which he went to on weds-he will be there for 3-6 months- so fingers crossed he will get clean and stay clean-although i am pleased he has got a place at rehab-and after everything he has put me and our 3 boys thru-i still love him, not as much as i did-and not the same as i did-but this is his big chance so i am using every last bit of positive energy i have for him to do well- but as for me and him-i dont know if i will ever be able to forgive him or if we can be a family again-i am gettin stronger day by day-and am just thinking of mne and the boys-and our future-atm he is not a part of that-we will c wot happens ………….whatch this space…