Your story has terrified me. I am 21 years old and my long term boyfriend and first love is a heroin addict. I saw all of the signs before I found out for sure, but like you I chose to justify them with other reasons. He’s on a rehabilitation programme now and although I know he still uses I do not know to what extent.
I’ve been through so much for him and neglected my own feelings and self to ensure his recovery and be as smooth and easy as possible. I bring all the money in because when he’s experiencing withdrawal symptoms he can hardly get out of bed, so he is unable to hold down a job. Whilst i’m working to support his living I’m constantly worrying about the possibility of coming home to find his dead body and needle sticking out of his arm.
It makes me very bitter. Like your husband probably was my boyfriend is a good person who is haunted by an addiction. I’d like to think I can see it through with him and we can have the life we have always dreamed of together, but I am getting to the point now where I think that dream is a naive one.
I dont want to leave him but if something doesnt change soon the rest of my life will be ruined.
When do I start thinking about myself instead of about him?