Reply To: is my dad back on herion? what shall I do?


Thank you all for your feedback _ everyone has a story and it is so sad. I am strong, I know that, and will get through it. Think the whole thing of being caught and confronted has kicked in an emotion I haven’t seen for a long time in him. ‘Shame’. He actually returned the item of jewelry to them, and sat with them to explain why he did it. He admitted the debts, the addiction, how scared he was, and took himself to the doctors. He has asked for help. I am under no illusion here but it is a first. He has a baby daughter he adores, and may lose her think that really shook him. We live in hope. I told him I will walk beside him but not for him. He needs to always take the first step toward help. Not through me, nor for me but for himself. God bless to everyone here, much love and hugs. We all need that x