Reply To: The nightmare begins again


No child should be subjected to seeing a parent being violent to anyone…you have done the right. Thing, and as hard as it is for you, keeping those kids safe is your priority…and keeping yourself safe too! Please try and get some counselling / support for yourself….until your partner wants to help himself, then leave him to it….I am a parent of an alcohol/ meat/ cocaine/ legal highs son…..I have seen first hand how it can effect children…. I made it my mission to make sure my grandson was safe….at the moment had is on the road to recovery and has had 1 relapse in 8 weeks…he has found himself a job, but every day is a struggle and we know that…the biggest change is being there for his son….I hope you continue to find the strength and stick to keeping you all safe…addiction is a horrid illness, that takes away e person we loved, replacing it with a person who lies, steal, and is abusive …….hugs x