Find a support group and get some help…he is 32 and as such an adult….the hardest thing for us parents to do is stand back and stop enabling, but it was the best thing I did…my son is in the process of turning things around…he has been really trying in the last 9 weeks..even got off his arse and got a job…did 18 hours overtime this week..for us that’s amazing, and because He us trying we are supporting…he had relapsed once , but got straight back on it…and yes we know he could relapse at ant time…..but he. Knows if he goes back, then we remove all the support…it’s his responsibility to heal himself….we can only support….heart breaking but very real! Addiction has to be owned by the addict…you didn’t choose to live it……take real care of yourself and the other children at home ..because they need you as well…..hugs Hunni, and stay strong xxxx