18 year old son began taking drugs at 14

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    • #7785

      Firstly thank you so much for adding myself and my husband to your group. We are completely lost we dont know what to do now. Our 18 year old son has admitted that he started smoking weed at 14 hes now addicted to weed and cocaine. He has started stealing from shops, very rarely washes, his house is a complete mess. We really dont know what to do. Last month we ended up “lending” him over £300 we wont see that back it was all our savings we know we shouldn’t have done it but we are devastated we honestly don’t know what to do.

    • #31203

      Hi anonymous 1968, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story with us here.

      My son was also 14 when he was dabbling with drugs. He always blamed others for ‘spiking ‘ his drink. He’d come home in an awful state- soiling himself, wetting the bed- room like a smelly rubbish tip, him unkempt looking etc.

      He started gambling, missing work, selling his stuff.

      This went on for years- we just thought he partied too hard.

      Little did we know he’d progressed to cocaine. He ran up debt, and the lies…was about to lose everything. Truth finally came out.

      Thankfully I found this website, spoke to other mums on the Theresa thread. All going through similar issues with their sons.

      The ladies there were a godsend!

      Feel free to join the thread and post.

      Drugfam and Icarus trust also offer advice and support as does the Adfam homepage.

      Sorry didn’t mean to make this about me, I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone- others are going through similar situations.

      On a more positive note, my now 29yr son is currently 15mths clean with the support of AA and CA groups. Every day is a battle but he’s getting there and helping others too.

      Please find the time to look after your own health and well-being.

      Set boundaries for your son, let him know what’s not acceptable,

      Post here and vent, everyone is so kind and supportive.

      Take care and stay strong

      Lx ❤️

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