4 months clean from cocaine today????

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    • #6696

      I just want to share a bit gratitude to people on this forum. Especially a certain few who have helped me in my recovery. I could not of got this far without everyone’s personal battles on here it really does help in recovery listening to peoples stories.

      Now how I did it and still doing it for the people struggling or with family members struggling.

      I’ve been addicted to coke for 12 years, I Mostly used on my own. I have a gf and kids. A good job. For say the last 7 years I’d say its gone worse and worse. At 1st I only used when drunk, but then it went to were I did not need alcohol.

      I tried everything to quit, new routine, reading, listening to addiction stories, hypnotist, councilling. The last 2 didn’t really help. The 4 before do help but only for so long. I had a couple of rock bottoms ect.

      My last rock bottom was boxing day, and I just felt suicidal for days. And I did what I always said I would never do.. I joined cocaine anonymous. The thought of talking in meetings ect put me off.

      But its the best thing I have ever done, I go on a meeting each day, I connect to other members each day, I pray and meditate each day to get my guard up. Plz don’t be put off by the god aspect of it all, you can have any higher power u want. Mine is the universe. Every morning I get on my knees and pray. If it helps who is to say its embarrassing?? I have my family back. That’s the main thing. I’m working the 12 steps and I finish my steps this work. Then I can sponsor other addicts.

      Now for someone to quit they have to 100% want to quit for them self’s, you can’t not force them, this will not work. They need to delete all dealers num, friends and family who use as well, come off social media. If you are not addicted to alcohol, u have to quit alcohol altogether, this is a big trigger. Take up new hobbies and eat healthy, come up with some goals. And join CA anonymous, don’t be put off by it, you will se rewards at the end I promise you. I feel so much happier now.

      I’m sorry if I have missed anything out. Feel free to ask me anything.

      And again thank you to people on here who have helped me in my recovery, I could not of done this with out you, ❤️????????

    • #22853

      Congratulations ???? Dan!

      I’m so pleased for you – 4 months – that’s fantastic, you should be very, very proud of yourself.

      I admire you and the way you are helping others here on this forum. I’m sure the others who have chatted to you , will agree when I say you have been great support to all – whether as a person with addictions or family of one who has addiction.

      Virtual handshakes and hugs to you ????

      Keep on doin what your doing


    • #22854

      Thank you so much❤️ the same goes to you, you have helped me a lot, a problem shared is a problem halved and we need to keep on sharing.

      Virtual hugs to you as well lol ????

      Thank you ????x

    • #22858

      Well done you !! You stuck with it and the benefit shows in your gratitude . X

      • #22862

        Thank you Eva ????

    • #22863

      Absolutely amazing achievement, so admirable and inspirational for so many others ☀️ Thank you for sharing your story and for helping me out on here too! So proud of you!! ????????????????????

      • #22890

        Thank you soo much to ❤️

    • #22865

      Your welcome !! ????????

    • #22869

      Fantastic news.

      I have been at some degree exactly where you are, and on the more technical side, when you hit that 4 month stage – your neural pathways in the brain really can repair themselves.

      Take comfort in knowing the hardest part is over.

      • #22891

        Thanks for that ???? I’m still struggling through my dreams, I have a lot of using dreams, even last night and I woke up feeling guilty. But I’m getting there thanks ????

    • #22870

      Congrats! I found this site via Google and have read quite a few of your responses as I looked for help in my own situation and thank you for what you’ve shared. You got this and keep going!!!!

      • #22892

        Thanks for this, what’s your own situation if you don’t mind me asking? Sorry if you have already told me lol. I just forget who I’m talking some days, as there is a lot on here. Thanks again ????

    • #22925

      Well done!! You have come so far & it’s defo not an easy thing to do. You must feel so good in yourself knowing that this drug isn’t going to rule your life anymore. Keep going one step at a time ????????

      • #22938

        Thank you so much, I feel great now. I’m mentally stronger and have a good support network to help me now. Thanks again????❤️

    • #22926

      This makes me so happy Danman. Our paths have crossed on various posts over the last couple of years, and I’m so pleased for you!! Don’t look back! Onwards and upwards 🙂

      • #22939

        Thank you Ash, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. The future does look great and I’m feeling so happy. I still have using dreams, but I just treat them as a dream now and don’t let it bother me. Thanks again, ????❤️

        • #22940

          Hi Dan, so pleased for you as you know, im you’re biggest fan!! ????

          When you mentioned about the dreams, my son used to get ‘using ‘ dreams when he was clean, so I guess this must be common.

          Keep on doin what yer doin!


    • #22942

      Ye it’s definitely common, I use to relapse the week I had dreams or use that weekend, so this is why I get worried. But because I am now apart of CA I have a good support network so this helps. Plus In the dreams now I feel gutted I’ve used in my dream, so I think it’s showing me in a good way, how bad it feels and not to go back there if this makes sence

      Thanks so much for being there ❤️x

    • #22947

      Hi Danman83,

      Well done you, a great achievement, so pleased for you. It gives us all hope.

      I’m so glad that you are on this Forum, your advice has been a great help.

      My Son is doing well at the moment, taking each day as it comes, and I know he is really trying, he tells me lots of things now that he wouldn’t of told me before, I think that’s progress.

      Take care and keep up the fantastic work, you should be very proud of yourself.


      • #22957

        Thanks for that deb. I’m glad he’s doing good, as long as he is putting the effort in and trying that’s all that matters. That’s good him telling you new things and communicating better, that’s how it should be and will help him and you out so much, good to hear from you x

      • #22960

        Hi debc

        Just waited to say that I’m so pleased for you and your son. It’s good to hear positive news ????.

        Such a relief when you see them turning a corner.

        My son remains relapsed, unfortunately doesn’t want to follow the 12 steps or AA for the moment (hopefully that will change). He says, I’m still young and wants to feel free to have a drink should he want it. I don’t think he’s taking cocaine thankfully, but feels he’s in control of the alcohol intake. I’m not convinced this is a good thing but he’s still working and seems fairly upbeat and more interested in general. I guess things have been a lot worse in the past.

        I’m in daily contact so I feel okay about things.

        Have a good weekend all.

        Thank you all for being there for me.

        Sending hugs ❤️


        • #22992

          Hi Lindyloo,

          Thank you, it’s not always easy as you can imagine, but I do feel that he is much more determined these days and opens up a lot more to me.

          He isn’t following the 12 steps at the moment or attending any online meetings, but I am hoping that he takes up the 12 steps again very soon, I believe this is a must.

          He has joined the Gym and I believe the exercise has been a massive help to him, he says his head feels so much better after he has been, he goes most nights and some mornings.

          He often used to say to me that he wishes he was normal and could go out with his mates like he used too, but he knows that this would lead him down the dark road again.

          He has his daughter every other weekend and in the week for tea, he is a much better Daddy now, which is great.

          It’s great that you have daily contact with your Son, and it sounds as if he’s doing ok, long may it continue.

          So glad that we found Adfam, it’s a great place to be able to share our stories and try and help others in similar situations.

          Hope you have a good weekend too, take care.


          • #22994

            Thanks for your reply Deb, it means a lot. It’s good to talk to others that know how you feel

            How lovely, a granddaughter, I think it will be a while before I’m a granny! I’m old enough! Lol

            Yes, my son missed the social interaction. He thinks he’s got the alcohol under control but he’s only kidding himself, he has no off switch unfortunately.

            At least he’s being civil, we’ve had to buy food and cigs for the last few weeks. He spent he’s wages on the last drinkathon. So annoying, he never pays it back, he totally grudges it. He thinks that is us supporting him, cos we’re his parents, even though he’s really well paid. I guess we’re still enabling him .

            Never mind, could be worse I guess.

            Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

            Thanks once again for your support.

            Take care ❤


    • #22955

      Well done!!!

      What worked for me is to keep making it for another month, before you know it you’ll be clean for years!

      • #22958

        Thanks for that, how far clean are u?

    • #22959

      Well done Dan, your family must be so proud of you. Such a huge achievement, congratulations 🙂

    • #23303

      Congratulations and well done on your efforts, I pray everyday my 20 yr sees the light soon enough… we have all been to hell and are still currently there! I have found this very encouraging to read after such a long road for you. Keep up the efforts ???? keep well and safe

    • #23340

      Well done Danman83! ????

      Im so proud of you! I’ve literally logged on after a long while away but just had to reply to this. You have come so far and you should be proud of yourself!! ❤

    • #23341

      I was so happy hearing this I posted twice! Fixed it now though! ????

    • #23343

      Well done ????

    • #23344

      I’m new here my name is Luna, hopefully you get to read my story, if it gets the go ahead ????

    • #23412

      Have you wrote your story on? I can’t find it?

    • #25274

      Hi , I just wanted to introduce myself as Sophia . I am sorry to intrude on your privacy .I am trying to build an app that would hopefully support those suffering from any addiction and/or homelessness to find support from others going through the same thing , without stigma and judgement .

      A platform with videos and articles on : health and wellbeing, lifestyles tips ( diet, sleep & exercise) , money management and drug treatment advice, mental health tips, etc to help you when trying to transition back into normal life.

      A platform where you can access a LiveChat similar to FB messenger to safely discuss sensitive topics with other members/ health assistants/ advisors instantly

      A platform to share and compare experiences with others along the sobriety journey, and read and prepare for hat to expect at different stages.

      As well as many more features .

      I would love if any of you , would join in assisting me to gain insight in what is truly needed by those trying to recover, if this is something you would be comfortable with , please let me know and I will drop the link to confidential and quick survey. I hope you are not offended by this post and will be happy to delete if so . Thank you in advance x

      • #25295

        Happy to help!

        • #25299

          Hi , Thank you so much for response. I really do appreciate it ! Would you be up to answering some questions that I have , whenever you have some free time ? And where would you feel comfortable answering them , on a separate forum post or via email

          • #25301

            Email would be okay, whats your email and I’ll send you one 🙂

            • #25302



    • #25275


    • #25287

      Hey id be happy to help

      • #25300

        Hi , Thank you so much for response. I really do appreciate it ! Would you be up to answering some questions that I have , whenever you have some free time ? And where would you feel comfortable answering them , on a separate forum post or via email, google hangouts chat which is encrypted

    • #25291


    • #25293

      That’s amazing!!! Love this so much

    • #25296


      I read once that – The truth sets you free

      I was so glad to read in some of your recent posts the real truth you shared about what really goes on in an addicts other life away from home

      You said – I have to lead an honest life now

      Because it does not just set you free but also the partners trying to make sense of what’s going and think they are going mad even though their gut instinct is screaming the truth at them

      So thank you ????

      Keep moving forward ????

    • #25303

      Sorry I had to split it up due to the guidelines

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