4th Opioid Overdose

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      I am the wife of an opioid addict. My husband and I have been together since highschool (10 years), we are 25 years old. He has been struggling with an opioid addiction off and on for a couple years but has been worst since March and the beginning of covid19. He has never been prescribed an opioid but stole them from his mom back in the day and then continued to take to cope with anxiety. Now he is having a ton of trouble getting off of them. I have seen him overdose 4 times now – administered narcan and called ems 4 times. All of that has been terrifying and I dont know what to do. The detox center in our city has a 37 person waitlist which will take at least 2 months to get to the top of. By the time he gets in he will have already detoxed at home.

      My husband has detoxed at home several times, I have helped him through several withdrawals and he gets through them only to relapse again. I am not the one with the addiction so I dont understand but I can’t help but get frustrated every time we get through it then ruin the progress we’ve made. Tonight I had to call his parents to break the bathroom door down as he had locked himself in. If anyone has any advice or a similar situation and would like to connect I would appreciate it. I am brand new to this page.

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