A long year later …..

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      Hi its been a while now since I wrote on here, its twelve months since we were sat in the hospital after my son had overdosed, thankfully he survived and agreed to go into rehab to try to get a grip on his addiction, sadly it all soon went wrong and after heartbreaking months of trying to support him it all came to the point where he had to choose a life of drugs or have the support of all of his family, after over 17 years of trying to help him change his life i just couldnt take any more, i havent seen or been in contact with him for over 9 months, not a day goes by that i dont think of him, i dont know where he is or what he is up to, and the not knowing is nearly as bad as living with the fallout of his drug fuelled actions.
      As christmas fast approaches and also his 35th birthday next week, i have a feeling inside that something dreadful is about to happen, where is he? What is he up to? Is he ok? …….. These are questions with no answers, the police and missing persons view is that he has chosen to disappear and so there is nothing they can help with, Ok he is a grown man but he still my boy, its destroying me inside, as much as his past actions have,
      I have so much to be thankful in my life and family that I treasure, and in my darkest moments they have helped me get through, so how can one person cause so much hurt to so many?
      I hate hate hate heroin and the dealers who ruin so many lives, what is it that makes the addict keep going back to it time after time even though they know the suffering that it bring to loved ones?
      I pray every night that I will hear from my son if only to know he is still alive……..

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