Abandonment Issues

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    • #6856

      Sorry this is me feeling sorry for myself but needed to get it out. I am suffering from the after effects of being a ACOA… basically I am the child of two non functioning alcoholics. My dad left before I was a year old and never had anything to do with me. My mum has been an alcoholic my whole life. Alcohol and men came before me always and I more or less brought myself up. My ex fiancé cheated on me after 10 years. All of this has had a hugely negative impact on me. I am petrified of abandonment and it is causing problems between me and my partner. Our relationship didn’t have the best start but have been together properly for 2 years. We had an argument tonight and he said something along the lines of ‘I want u to be my soulmate but how can u be when u say XYZ’ he then said something like It wish our relationship was better’ and this totally broke me. I feel like he’s going to abandon me and that I am not good enough for yet another person I love. Everytime we have an argument or some criticism of me I am terrified he will leave me. I think it’s just my horrible mindset that I have developed over time but how can I deal with this? I can’t keep worrying he’s going to leave me, it’s driving me and him insane.

    • #24058


      I’m so sorry to hear that you are having difficulty with your relationship and the impact of your addictive parents.

      i work for a charity called Icarus Trust who support people who have to deal with addiction in their families. If you get in touch one of our Family Friends, our trained and experienced people, would talk with you and may be help you to find a way ahead.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Good luck.

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