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    • #6995

      Hi I feel like I’m going mad and wondering for advice.

      My husband is an addict although he denies it. Says he doesn’t even touch them. I’ve known about them the past 9 months when I found out but it seems it’s been happening for years. We have been togther 18years. The drugs cocaine got really bad and then one day he walked out. Said he didn’t love me anymore and that was it. A week later he was with another girl which only lasted a few weeks. And now he is seeing someone else. I feel totally betrayed and completely heartbroken and don’t know what to do. How could he be with me so long lie to me for so long and just walk out never speak to me again and chose drugs and moving on with girls so quick. Will he ever regret this.? He doesn’t even bother with our daughter anymore either.

    • #24931

      Hi Frankie,

      I’m so sorry to read your post. What you are going through must be heartbreaking for you and your daughter. Please get in touch with us at Icarus Trust if you would like to talk with someone who understands what you are going through as we are a charity that supports people going through the nightmare of dealing with addiction in their family. One of our trained and experienced Family Friends would talk with you if you get in touch, which maybe would help.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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