Addict Son in Youth Offenders Again

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    • #4607

      Hi all its been quite some time since my last post but not because things had settled down life has become a real strain. I am mum to a Son who has spent approximately 3 months of every year since the age of 16 in a Youth Offending Institute. He is days away from his 21st and there again..He is a binge drinker and when that is not enough its Mkat weed cocaine and now I hear he is smoking Heroine…He has a huge list of convictions …stealing…assault robbery etc etc And is now over Two thousand pound in rent arrears and facing eviction…There is no chance of him coming back home to live as I have a five year old at home but how do I live with myself leaving him on the streets…I’m so tired and depressed…I work nights five days a week..get afive year old to school on time everyday I always make sure his homework is done and I then have to deal with an abusive addict…I feel like I m losing the will and strength.. Any advice would be appreciated

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