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    • #7497

      So i have almost 6- months with no alcohol, drugs and whatsoever. I’m trying to cut on cigarette, and sugar. Nevertheless, my close people always accuse me of smoking pots. They are almost everyday suspicious and it really makes me wonders if it’s all worths it. Like, i always have to fight with them and tell them to stop with the assumptions. It’s draining and a major trigger cause my addict brain says * See, you’ve got no place between sober people, they’re never going to believe you,why don’t you just give up? =. Anyone else going through this s…? i found help here

    • #29157

      Bro, living sober Is nothing to do with anyone but yourself.

      I fully understand what you are saying that is it really worth it.

      When I first stopped, because everyone was so aware of how bad I was I kind of expected loads of praise but because people arent always as kind as e want them to be. Alot of people assumed I was just using in secret because they couldn’t comprehend that I could be cleaner than they was when they “didn’t have a problem”.”

      The best advice i can give you is keep going, and do it for yourself. You didn’t quit for people to be nice, you quit so you can have a better life for yourself and family.

      Take every thing they say and use it as motivation. In a year’s time when you have grown as a person and find success in what ever you decide to do that will be your validation.

      The people putting you down are doing so because they aren’t happy with themselves.

      What you are doing is an amazing thing and I know sometimes it’s hard when you aren’t getting the praise you feel like you deserve but what’s waiting for you in your sober life is worth so much more than anyone telling you “well done”

      Be proud of yourself. Do this for yourself. Learn to love yourself and be the best F****cking you that you can be.

      Let’s go champ!

      Keep up the good work

      James x

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