Admitting I’ve got a problem

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    • #7074

      I am a problem drinker. I’ve been hiding it from my wife. I know I need to give up but the prospect of never drinking again scares me. I feel so ashamed that I can’t have a “normal” relationship with alcohol and I’m terrified of admitting this to friends and family and being looked at as a failure.

    • #25420

      You are very brave for admitting you have a problem. Far from a failure. You need to get professional support though as it is very difficult to do this on your own.

    • #25424

      Hi Bifters, welcome to the forum. Everyone here has a loved one with addictions and there are also people in recovery offering support and advice too.

      I agree with Mestre, it’s a very difficult thing to do to admit you have a problem and want support.

      Please don’t beat yourself up about it either. I think you know you’re ready to accept help.

      My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions currently in early recovery thankfully.

      He was about to lose everything, his job, flat, car, his friends, nearly his family and if he kept going- his life.

      He joined AA and CA groups, gained a wealth of knowledge and wonderful support from these guys. He’s had a few relapses, but I believe this is normal.

      Unfortunately, he had to stay away from his life long friends as this triggers the need to use. A few know his situation and respect his wishes.

      It’s a change of lifestyle but what’s the alternative…?

      Read the other threads, families get ripped apart by addictions. Please seek help before it gets worse, if you can confide in a close friend or relative.

      Keep posting here and update us.

      You can totally do this my friend ❤ Lx

    • #25501

      Hi Bifters

      One day at a time I would say.

      Youve recognised and admitted you have issues with alcohol which is a huge step to take and you should be proud to take that first step

      Please don’t be afraid to talk to your wife and gain her support

      We can be incredibly supportive when we know what’s going on

      You only have to tell who you want, when you want, one step at a time

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