Advice needed for desperate family of alcoholic

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      Hi all, this is my first time here but in desperate need of some help as don’t know where else to turn. My brother has been an alcoholic for years (20 odd) but since our dad dies in November 2019 he started drinking litre after litre of vodka and verbally abusing our elderly and vulnerable mum. Everything is her fault, he calls he all names under the son and is constantly out of it drunk. I moved back home in March 20 to be my mums carer as she registered blind as well as other health issues. We all sat down as a family in March 21 and told my brother that he had 8 weeks to find somewhere else to live and he accepted it but the lower it got to eviction date the worse his drinking got. Anyway, Monday just gone was his eviction and he wouldn’t go so we had to call the police. By the time they arrived he was in an alcohol coma and they had to call the paramedics. They injected him with something and dragged him down the stairs as he would not wake up. Hours later he discharged himself from hospital and turned up at the house again drunk with a litre of gin. He wouldn’t go so we had to call the police again. They again were worried he was gonna choke to death due to amount he drunk so took him back to hospital. A few hours later again he was back on the doorstep demanding to come in in tears but still drunk. Again we had to call the police to get him to leave. They took him to the hospital and at 2.30am mum got a call asking if he was here as he had walked out again. Tuesday afternoon he turned up again, this time with vodka to collect his bags that he had dumped outside at some point during the previous night, drunk as anything but finally after 15 mins he left by himself. We heard nothing from him till today when he called mum and said his bag had been stolen and he needed more clothes. We gave him a bag of clothes and after 40 mins of drunk pleading and excuses he finally stormed off. 2 hours later my mum gets another call from him to say all his clothes had been stolen again (we only gave them to him a couple of hours before) and it was all mums fault and he was giving up. He was extremely drunk. Now we scared again. He has never been physically abusive but he has tormented my mum for years with verbal abuse. He has no friends, no money left, does not work, is 45, and now has nowhere to live. I have had to stay off work all week to be here for mum who can barely get the strength together to get out of bed as she is heartbroken and blaming herself but knows we had no choice. He has been to the council and they won’t help, he discharges himself from hospital and no1 can help him. We are scared in our own home, having locked the door behind him on Monday and left it locked since, we can’t eat, sleep and have both been made ill. There appears to be no help for my brother and the only way he can deal with this is to be out of it on booze. We know he probably gonna turn up here again later and will have to call the police, but mum is struggling and I couldn’t cope if she got ill. He can’t see this is all his doing and only stopping drinking and getting help is his only option. He is walking the streets, drunk and we just don’t know what to do, we can’t cope anymore.

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