Advice please

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    • #6821

      HELP! At xmas I discovered my partner of 15 years and father to our 2 daughters aged 6 and 11 had been using cocaine/online gambling/drinking heavily building up thousands of pounds of debts with a circle of mates including his dad and boss for 5 years.

      I had no idea about the cocaine and gambling so this came as a huge shock. For the last 6 months we’ve tried to work through the issues but on Sunday he stayed at his bosses house and unfortunately relapsed. He is currently hiding away at his mum and dads house leaving me and our daughters in limbo. They arent aware of the reason for his absence but i need to tell them something. I dont know what to do. Ive cried so much. He doesnt know what he wants….what do i do?????

    • #23815

      I’m sorry to read your post. It’s very hard for you to deal with and to know what to say to your daughters. If you would like some help please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that supports people having to deal with addiction in their family. We have trained and experienced people who would talk with you if you get in touch which may help you to know how to move forward.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Good luck.

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