Advice please

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    • #4888

      Hi All

      I am a parent of a child who is also a parent . For years we have all struggled to support the text book story of addiction, abuse and heartbreak. Although she is now clean and dry, the vulnerability and risk will always be there, rising to the surface in times of stress or unhappiness.

      As you all probably know, the whole family is affected and I have struggled with making sense of it all and feel the need to be able to share with people who really understand the emotional turmoil of loving someone so much and not being able to help them.

      Do you know of any support groups in Norfolk at all? I need to share before I explode!

      Thanks for reading. X

    • #10185

      I found support groups on Internet or your dr would now. I know how you feel I’m at my wits end my family have given up on my son my husband dosnt want to know him he his step dad but dosnt support me either I feel like disappearing but I’m his mum and so scared he going to hurt himself or kill himself what I would do if that happened I don’t know it’s such a stressful life and only people going through it understand. We all need to sound off

    • #10188

      Alanon is a support group for friends and family of alcoholics. They run groups all over the country. If you go to their website you will be able to find out where your local one is. I’ve been wanting to go for a long time but haven’t been brave enough yet xx

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